Kings Cup
One of our favorite games at parties is Kings Cup! The drinking game even challenges the players! In addition to the name "Kings Cup", the game is also known under the name "Ring of fire" or "Circle of Death". It's particularly popular because all you need is a deck of cards and a large cup. The cards have certain rules that must be observed. You can play the drinking game with 2 to 12 people. The more, the better 😉
What do you need for Kings Cup?
- 1x card game with 52 cards (e.g. poker cards, rummy card game without joker)
- 1x King's Cup (just a normal standard cup)
- Alcoholic beverages (e.g. beer, wine etc.)
How does it work?
First position the Kings Cup and the cards. To do this, place the empty Kings Cup in the middle of the table and place the cards face down around the cup. In addition, every player should have something to drink, as almost every card drawn involves drinking. Each card has a specific rule, which we have summarized for you in an overview. Below the overview you will find a detailed explanation of the Kings Cup rules.
Quick Overview - What do the cards mean in Kings Cup?
2 = category
3 = rhyme
4 = question master
5 = counter
6 = toilet card
7 = drink
8 = thumb master
9 = make up a rule
10 = distribute 10 sips
Jack = men drink
Queen = girls drink
King = King's Cup
Ace = everyone drinks
meaning of the cards
The cards you draw in Kings Cup have the following meanings:
TWO = Category
A player chooses any category and tells the others. For example clothing brands, different types of fruits or vegetables. There are no limits to your ideas. As soon as the player has chosen a term from the category, the other players must name terms from this category. For example, if the category is "Clothing Brands," you can list Adidas and the next player lists Nike for example. It is best to do this in a row. If a person playing can't think of a term of the category, they have to drink. 😊
THREE = rhyme
One player chooses any word (e.g. rice) and names it. Now it's back to the order. Everyone has to name a word that rhymes (e.g. vice, ...). The first person who can't think of anything else has to drink.
FOUR = Question master
No questions may be answered for the Question master with the card number 4. - no matter what kind. This should of course be exploited so that the other players have to drink. Because the following applies: whoever answers must drink. You are "Question master" until another player draws another four.
FIVE = counter
The player with the card 5 is the counter. He/She may choose a number between 3 and 9 (e.g.: 3). As soon as the person playing has decided on a number, a word is specified to replace this number (here the 3). For example: BEER.
Now it is counted one after the other. It starts with the 1. Each player counts the following number. As soon as the selected number (e.g. 3) occurs in the digit (e.g. 13) or is divisible by it (e.g. 6, 9 ...), the word is said.
It will look like that:
1, 2, beer, 4, 5, beer, 7, 8, beer, 10, 11, beer, beer, 14...etc.
And the same applies again: if you make a mistake, you have to drink.
SIX = toilet card
The following applies: ONLY those who have the toilet card are allowed to go to the toilet.
SEVEN = you have to drink
EIGHT = thumb master
Players with the card 8 may put their thumb on the edge of the table as often as they like. Now everyone else must also place their thumb on the edge of the table. The last person to place the thumb has to drink. You remain Thumb Master until someone else draws another 8.
NINE = make up a rule
The 9 is a popular card, because here the player can make up any rule that applies to the rest of the game. There are no limits to your imagination... We have written down a few ideas for you:
– You're not allowed to say someones name any more
– You have to get up before you drink and go around in circles
– You can no longer say the word “drink”.
Oh yes, and if the rules are not followed, there will be drinking! (of course)
TEN = Distribute 10 sips
The player may distribute ten sips to the other players. As always, all other rules apply.
Jack = men drink
All men must drink. And don't forget: the previously determined rules still apply!
Queen = women drink
All women must drink. And don't forget: the previously determined rules still apply!
King = Kings Cup
The player fills the center of the Kings Cup with any drink so that it is a quarter full. The player who draws the second king fills the Kings Cup halfway, and the third fills it three-quarters. The fourth king must add his own drink and drink the entire Kings Cup.
In this sense: Cheers! 😊
Ace = everyone drinks
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