Shot Pong

Shot Pong
Beer Pong is THE DRINKING GAME on every party! But why not playing our favourite game as a Shot-variation? That's exactly what Shot Pong is!
3 reasons why Shot Pong is the perfect game:
1. Shot Pong is easy to take along, it doesn't need a lot of space because of its small size.
2. Shot Pong makes a lot of fun as a couple, on a party or at home, you will love it!
3. And the best? You can't loose your balls!
Included in delivery:
- Game board with 20 notches for cups and 6 notches for the slingshot
- 20 compatible cups
- 2 slingshots, including 2 balls
Game instructions:
Shot Pong is a drinking game for 2 (or more) and is similiar to Beer Pong. How it works:
Position all the cups on the game board and fill them with liquor of your choice. Put your slingshot in one of your three notches in front of you and shoot the ball into the cups of your opponent. If the ball lands in one of those cups your opponent has to drink. Attention: If the ball lands in one of your own cups it's your turn to drink it.
We wish you a loooot of fun with our Shot Pong!